Hi, I am Sarah Hüttscher.

I am passionate about Design.

I’m a web designer from Hamburg, Germany with experience in delivering UX/UI design and developing websites and online shops. I speak through visual design.

I am keen on learning new things and making this world a better place. I emphasise on sustainability and the Cradle to Cradle design principle.
Web Design
UX UI Design

My recent work

Cradle to Cradle Greeting Cards 

Positive Thinking: The C2C greeting cards are healthy, biodegradable and climate positive - Cradle to Cradle certified at Gold Level. You can find the cards in my Etsy store.
My Etsy Shop


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Global Climate

My values

Be passionate.
Love what you do and you never work a day in your life. Participate in activities that bring joy to you. Fill your precious time on earth with passion.
Challenge yourself.
Don’t be afraid of new things. Be brave and embrace the challenge. A small step every day can make the big difference in the future. Stay curious and keep on learning.
Embrace your creativity.
Even though we constantly interact with technology, there are vital differences that distinguish us from machines. We have feelings which need some sort of expression. If you paint, sing or dance, let your creativity flow.
Make the world a better place.
Every one of us has different talents and preferences. The world needs ideas and confidence to overcome the environmental crisis of our time. Use your vocation to change something for the better.

My core value

Creating a positive impact
Every one of us has different talents and preferences. If we want to live with nature and not against it, we need ideas and confidence to overcome the environmental crisis of our time. Use your vocation to change something for the better.

Ready for a new
Web Design?

Get in touch